Predict Individual Household Electric power consumption

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Project Overview

This project was carried out to determine the actual consumption of electrical energy by a unit (an individual family household). There are many equipment that uses electricity in a household, while some are heavy users of electricity, others are not. The prediction from this project will be valuable to stakeholders, energy companies etc. make management decisions like how much watts of energy should be supply to a certain environment, what kind of discount can be given etc.

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Problem Statement

Electricity is one important energy that is needed in a household to function properly. Its usage is most critical to energy supplier companies because it helps to determine how much energy to be supplied and for general management purpose. This project intend to run a regression prediction by Forecasting the actual energy usage within an individual household.

Executive Summary

Individual Household Energy consumption is the actual energy an individual household use for day to day activities that involves electricity. The motive of this project is to forecast the actual electricity usage in a household and to determine the time period the household has heavy consumption.
The Measurement of the electric power consumption in one household with a one-minute sampling rate over a period of almost 4 years. Different electrical quantities and some sub-metering values are available. The data used represents a structured multivariate time series of power related variables which has real attribute characteristics. at the end of it, the project will be able to answer question like what period electric energy are consume the most, the pertains of consumption during the time of the year etc.

Data Dictionary

Predict Individual Household Electric power consumption

Key Takeaways

Predict Individual Household Electric power consumption Predict Individual Household Electric power consumption Predict Individual Household Electric power consumption Predict Individual Household Electric power consumption Predict Individual Household Electric power consumption

Next Steps

Predict Individual Household Electric power consumption Predict Individual Household Electric power consumption
