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Project Overview

Horrific scenes of Mass Shootings are frequent occurrence in the media news feed with subsequent gun control debate. Gun violence is one of the most serious public safety risks in the US and Mass Shooting plays significant role in gun violence. This report analyses Mass Shooting in USA from 1982 - 2019. Mass shooting, for the purpose of this report, is defined as an indiscriminate attack in public places where four or more people are killed. This classification is based on the definition of FBI and other law enforcement agencies. The report does not include attacks motivated by conventional crime such as armed robbery or gang violence, accidental gun death or any other targeted criminal offences. In addition, it does not include indiscriminate attacks at public places in which less than three persons are killed or injured. It is specifically targeted towards indiscriminate public place shootings and shooting sprees having three and more fatalities.

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Belay Abraham

Belay Abraham

Dallas, Texas, United States.

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