People should hire me for data science, ETL, machine learning, data warehousing, and SQL positions because I bring a unique blend of technical expertise and personal strengths. My optimism drives me to tackle challenges with enthusiasm, ensuring that I stay motivated and resilient even in complex projects. As a reliable team member, I consistently deliver high-quality work and meet deadlines, making me a dependable asset to any team. My leadership skills allow me to guide projects and mentor colleagues effectively, fostering collaboration and driving results. Additionally, my sense of humor helps create a positive work environment, which I believe is key to maintaining team morale and creativity. These qualities, combined with my strong technical skills, make me a well-rounded candidate who can contribute to both the technical and cultural aspects of an organization.
- Python
- Jupyter Notebook
- Python - Pandas
- Python - Regular Expressions
- SQL Server
- Oracle
- Visio
- Power BI
- Spark
- Microsoft Office
- Visual Studio Data Tools
- Etl
- Sql
- Html
- Visual Studio Code
- Outlook
- Oracle Sql
- Dashboards
- Json
- Jira
- Microsoft Excel
- Agile Methodologies
- Scrum
- Microsoft Power Point
- Ms Fabric
- Case Study
- Data Analytics
- Data Science
- Deployment
- Instructions
- Data Warehousing
- Finance
- Marketing
- Mortgage Banking
- Retail
- Sales
Hours Available / Wk - 40hrs
I am the qualified candidate with extensive expertise in Microsoft technologies and a proven track record in designing, implementing, and optimizing complex BI solutions with Power BI. My exceptional analytical and problem-solving skills ensure data-driven decision-making and enhanced operational efficiency. Furthermore, my strong communication and project management abilities enable me to collaborate effectively with diverse teams and consistently deliver high-quality results on time.
- Python
- Jupyter Notebook
- Python - Plotly
- Python - Regular Expressions
- SQL Server
- Microsoft Azure
- Visio
- Power BI
- Microsoft Office
- Visual Studio Data Tools
- Etl
- Sql
- Outlook
- Snowflake
- Dax
- Dashboards
- Json
- Microsoft Excel
- Agile Methodologies
- Microsoft Power Point
- Power Query
- Networking
- Some Linux Programing
- Case Study
- Data Analytics
- Data Mining
- Data Science
- Deployment
- Product Overview
- Reporting
- Instructions
- Data Warehousing
- Computer Software
- Marketing
- Technology
- Telecommunications
- Sales
Hours Available / Wk - 40hrs