LAPD Violent Crime Dashboard

Project Overview

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Problem Statement

Problem Statement
The sharp increase in Unsolved Violent crime within the LAPD patrol area.

In 2009, the approval rating of the LAPD was at an all time high of 77%, today the approval rating of the LAPD is at 30%. Looking at the Unsolved violent crime rate from 2010 to 2022, we see a drastic rise in Crime itself as well as unsolved Violent crime this year alone. These insights will allow you to look at Unsolved crime by district which will help you to make informed decisions on Staff and patrol areas.

Executive Summary

LAPD Violent Crime Dashboard

Data Dictionary

LAPD Violent Crime Dashboard

Key Takeaways

LAPD Violent Crime Dashboard LAPD Violent Crime Dashboard

Next Steps



Josiah Choiniere

Josiah Choiniere

Lewisville, Texas, United States.

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