Sales Dashboard

Project Overview

Sales Dashboard is a Colaberry project that is designed to help the students that come through Colaberry Data analytics. For every position, you will have a team of recruiting specialists working for you. This allows Colaberry to distribute the work so that multiple recruiting processes can happen simultaneously. This is how it works.
When a Representative sales send an email and you click it, it generates a record, when he or she submits you for a job, it creates another record, when you are submitted for an interview, it creates another record when you are placed, it creates another record. This is a way of tracking, the job submission all the way to placement. This is to say, Colaberry is working to replace all the students that come through the program, using these methods that are trackable.
The project is a Power BI report titled “Sales Dashboard”. This is how it works. Sales Reps sent out jobs and get four possible outcomes: gauging interest, submission, interview, or placement in that order. There are four sources through which job seekers can apply for jobs: Sales Reps, students, Hunter, and Hire. Refactor. In all these methods, Colaberry can track its progress through this Sales Dashboard

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Problem Statement

Executive Summary

Data Dictionary

Key Takeaways

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