Zendesk Ticketing

Project Overview

The project displays the Clients support staff handling mechanism and by analyzing the ticketing systems data its vital to look for the KPIs and work on where there needs to be improvement based on what the data is telling us using different timelines displayed in the visuals.

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Problem Statement

Colaberry is one of the best Data Analytics and Data Science training centers. Colaberry receives inquiries regarding course information, billing, course material access, help in installation, and more.

It is essential for the Colaberry support staff to respond in a timely and efficient manner. Every contact either via email or chat creates a ticket in the Zendesk Ticketing system and record every conversation, either it gets answered or the communication continues until it is solved and closed. The support staff efficiency can be tracked, and appropriate measures can be taken to improve the efficiency on ticket handling process.

This project focuses on the support staff’s responses for the created tickets by Month, Week, Day, and Hour. It also tracks the average first response time, number of contacts made to resolute, and number of days open so detailed analysis can be made and the process improved as needed.

The average first response hours shown in our analyzed data is about 35 hours and it indicates there need to be improvement.

Executive Summary

Data Dictionary

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Zendesk Ticketing Zendesk Ticketing

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Mesfin Tedla

Mesfin Tedla

Las Vegas, Nevada, United States.

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