Maryland Vehicle Crash 2016-2020

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Project Overview

Maryland may be a small state, but Automobile accidents happen every day across the state. Hundreds of people lose their lives in these crashes. Thousands more are hurt, Tens of thousands of additional car crashes only lead to property damage, but even those can cause serious problems for the people involved.
This dashboard analysis crash rates in Maryland state. It provides Insight about which cities have the highest number of crashes and which month of the year and which day of the week have high crashes and which year and in what conjunction does the crash happen more.

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Problem Statement

Maryland Vehicle Crash 2016-2020

Executive Summary

Maryland Vehicle Crash 2016-2020

Data Dictionary

Key Takeaways

Maryland Vehicle Crash 2016-2020 Maryland Vehicle Crash 2016-2020 Maryland Vehicle Crash 2016-2020 Maryland Vehicle Crash 2016-2020

Next Steps

Maryland Vehicle Crash 2016-2020



Eyerusalem Weldemichael

Eyerusalem Weldemichael

Carrollton, Texas, United States.

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