Power BI Developer

Kent, Washington, United States.


Having this position will be a great opportunity to advance the skills I have gained. I believe my background in science married with IT, is particularly valuable because I understand the importance of methods and process, which have proven reliable to finding the answers we seek. This is a skill I believe will provide the objectivity consumer’s desire.

Hours Available / Wk - 40 hrs

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Employment History 

  • Power Bi Developer

    July 2019 - Present

    • Experience in Power BI and with a BI component like (SQL, SSIS, SSRS, SSAS).
    • Manage, monitor, and improve Power BI environment including ongoing changes and active product backlog.
    • Imported data from SQL Server DB, Azure SQL DB to Power BI to generate reports.
    • Cleaning up datasets using marge queries, append queries, and sort data column to properly fit our reports.
    • Created Dax Queries to generated computed columns in Power BI, also applied DAX calculated measures and columns.
    • Generated computed tables in Power BI by using Dax.
    • Involved in creating new stored procedures and optimizing existing queries and stored procedures.
    • Created Azure Blob Storage for Import/Export data to/from .CSV File, also assess and analyze dataset and KPI’s to create reports.
    • Used Power BI to created visualization tools intended for diverse users.
    • Published Power BI Reports in the required originations and Made Power BI Dashboards available in Web clients and mobile apps.
    • Explore data in a Variety of ways and across multiple visualizations using Power BI.
    • Used Power BI Gateways to keep the dashboards and reports up to date.
    • Installed and Configured Enterprise Gateway and Personal Gateway in Power Bi Services.
    • Published reports and dashboards using Power BI.
    • Environment: MS SQL Server 2016, SSIS/SSAS/SSRS, ETL, T-SQL, Visual Studio 2016, SQL Server Profiler, Erwin Data Modeler 7.2, Dashboard, SQL Server Management Studio, SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT), Power BI.